February 17, 2025
International School Educations

Whichever way to look at education, there is a clear leader as far as academic excellence goes, and that Ladies & Gentlemen is the UK National Curriculum! Delivered in a learner-centered way, the UK National Curriculum is globally recognized; in fact, 80% of all international schools follow the UK National Curriculum, and for very good reasons.

Digital World

Like it or not, we are living in a digital world and young people must be fully conversant with, not just current IT, but future trends. Students of the top British International School in Bangkok Thailand would be able to design and build a website, have full use of Ms Office Suite and be able to write a basic program using C++. The secondary students receive work assignments via email and would be able to use applications such as Adobe Photoshop, or Final Cut Pro. From Year 1, international school students incorporate IT into their daily activities, with the higher grades delving deep into digital tech.

Active Learning

Some educators would say that the most important aspect of teaching is the delivery; child-centred learning, for example, focuses on things the students are interested in and the students work in groups on selective projects. The teacher becomes a facilitator and is there to offer advice and generally guide the students. Learning by doing has become globally adopted, as research showed a higher level of knowledge acquisition when the students are actively engaged in the learning process.

Academic Excellence

The proof of the pudding is in the eating, and this saying runs true when it comes to academic education; international schools have the highest GPAs and students can enter the university of their choosing, mainly due to the high grades. If you would like your son or daughter to be in such a position, enrol them in the top international school in Bangkok, which will ensure your child makes the most of their potential. Here are a few money-saving tips to help with the tuition fees.

English Language

Wherever you come from, being able to speak English is essential in today’s business environment and if your kids are not native English speakers, an international school education will quickly bring a level of fluency. All lessons are taught in English, with perhaps the exception of the Thai language; children are like sponges and when put in such an environment, they quickly develop their language skills.

Career Guidance & Support

When a student reaches Year 9, they start thinking about a career; it might be a single 2-hour period when they sit down with a career counsellor and examine the many options. This is critical as they must choose certain subjects to focus on in Years 11 and 12. If a student has no idea what they want to do in their life, this makes choosing subjects a bit like the lottery; they might be lucky and end up in a career where those subject matter, or, as is usually the case, they end up doing something completely different.

If you want to give your child the best possible education, an international school is the best option and start by searching online for the top-rated international schools.