CPR First Aid Training Concept
Basic First Aid at Work Training- Even if you’ve never taken an anatomy class, you’re probably familiar with the terms heart and lungs. After all, they are the most commonly used when speaking about the human body, especially when referring to someone who has suffered some kind of physical trauma or illness or has been involved in an accident that has left them hurt or ill in some way. But what about when you’re providing first aid at work? What do you need to know about these two organs to help someone in need? Let’s start with the heart first…
In this basic First Aid at Work Course training, we will examine some simple guidelines to follow when assisting those who are injured. It is important not only that you know how to help someone in need, but also what it means for you as a first aider. What does your role entail? Who should be contacted? What are the legal considerations for you as an employee? This course will help answer these questions and more.
What to do in an emergency
If you find someone who is injured, injured and unconscious or has collapsed:
1. Check their responsiveness by shaking them and shouting their name. 2. Call 999 for an ambulance. 3. If the person is still breathing, try not to move them but ensure that they are in a comfortable position. 4. Cover them with something warm such as a coat if they are cold, but don’t put anything under their head unless necessary (e.g., they have had an accident). 5. Cover any wounds with a clean dressing, but do not use anything that will restrict the flow of blood (e.g., cotton wool). 6.
Basic life support
First aid can be a lifesaver, but only if you know what to do. Familiarize yourself with the following basic life support tips and guidelines to help those injured or experiencing ill health.
– Call for emergency services as soon as possible. – If someone is unconscious, check for breathing and heart rate, then call for emergency services. – If someone has stopped breathing, perform CPR: place the person on his/her back, open the airway by lifting the chin with one hand and pushing down on the chest with two fingers of your other hand in a quick rhythmic pattern. Do this until help arrives or until breathing returns on its own; then call for emergency services.
If someone is choking, they may be able to speak but with a high-pitched noise, and if they can’t speak then you should perform the following steps: 1. Call for emergency help (call 911). 2. If the person is standing up, stand behind them and wrap your arms around their waist. 3. Place one hand on the person’s chest and push firmly upward while pulling backward with your other arm under their ribcage. 4. Repeat until the object blocking their airway is dislodged from their throat, or until help arrives.
The first sign of a bleeding injury is the presence of blood. You may see blood on the person’s skin, clothing, or the ground. You may also notice that blood appears when you press your finger into their skin near the wound. Bleeding can be external (coming from outside) or internal (coming from inside). If there are lots of signs of bleeding and these signs continue for more than five minutes, call 999 for emergency medical assistance immediately.
If someone has a minor external bleeding injury: Wash your hands with soap and water before touching them; then put pressure on the wound using a clean towel, bandage, gauze pad, etc., if necessary and hold it in place firmly until it stops bleeding.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 3,500 people die each year in the United States from fires and burns. Burns are classified as first-degree, second-degree, and third-degree. If a person has a burn that is less than ten percent of their body surface area (BSA), it’s considered a first-degree burn. If a person has a burn that is more than ten percent of their BSA but less than twenty five percent BSA, it’s considered a second-degree burn. A third-degree burn is any burn that exceeds 25% BSA. For all three degrees of burns, time is critical. The longer the injury goes untreated, the greater the risk for complications including infection and tissue death.
To recap, it’s important that when an incident does happen, you’re able to react quickly. The guidelines for First Aid at Work Course are easy and can be summarized as follows:
-Know the five signs of serious illness or injury (loss of consciousness, difficulty breathing, chest pain, severe bleeding from an injury, persistent vomiting)
-Check a casualty’s airway and breathing
-Replace any fluids lost by the casualty
-Call emergency services if necessary and have someone stay with the person until help arrives
-If possible, provide comfort and reassurance